Saturday, March 28, 2009

Liesl got all dressed up for Jude and Rory's Birthday party and had to dance around for the camera. It was a really big deal because Dave had to work and I had my final curling game (we won yessss!) and we couldn't go. So auntie Laurie and family picked up Liesl and took her up to Virginia for the big bash all by herself! We heard all about it but you will have to check the other blogs for photos of the party.

Helping dad with the construction.

Yippy it worked. These forts are soooooo cool and easy to make and it all packs into a bag. I highly recommend this particular toy. We love to bring it outside to make forts in the summer too. (thanks karen and family for the gift you see it is still being used)

Yoga takes loads of concentration.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Fun with Cousin Cal

Amanda, Cal, Liesl and I took a nice long walk today and it was glorious. I think it may have been 55 degrees and super sloppy and wonderful! We went to Olcott Park to play and swing. We had some fun with the color settings on Manda's camera too.
We found a worm! Alive and huge, Liesl named "him" Cathy. We brought Cathy back to Nana and Papa's house so that they could all meet and then Cathy went to sleep in Papa's garden.

Cal's first time on a swing!!

Cal and Liesl are riding the bus courtesy of bus driver (puller) Nana.